Thursday 30 January 2014

D/601/8826 LO1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 3.2, 3.4; Production & Roles


Whilst most roles were shared to allow one another to gain experience in different fields, each of us did claim a few roles as our own.
I took on the role of camera operator, being an area I am keen to develop my skills in and being an area I have most experience in. Given the time constraints, it also made sense that I adopted this role to save time.
I also took charge of editing the film being the most experienced of our group with using Final Cut Pro. As editor, I worked majoritarily under Carly, the visional-director. I edited the film into a basic shape, and Carly highlighted areas she thought required alternative shots, cutting, amending and so forth.


Rainham Station
Selected for its semi-rural feel, Rainham station is on the C2C Fenchurch Street to Grays line and sees only two trains an hour each direction, which allows for plenty of time to film in between. It is away from a main road so there would not be too much noise disturbance. The station supervisor was happy to allow us to film around the station providing we didn't enter station premises (as that required special permission for insurance purposes amongst other reasons); a condition we were more than happy to accept as we didn't have any shots that required filming on the station to begin with.

My Own Home
We had a scene to film of Olivia and Matt watching a film that would be included in the montage. My home was between two filming locations. As we were stopping for a costume change anyway, it made even more sense to take this opportunity to film here.

Bretton's Manor Park
The shots that were to close our opening montage would see Matt and Olivia in a (romantically stereotypical) sequence in a country park, in embraces and 'larking' about.

Slice Of Kiwi Coffee House
A shot that would also form part of the opening montage, permission was given to film a short scene in this Coffee Shop down the road from college ahead of its closing time.

Havering College
TV Studio
The opening of our film required a studio for Matt to photograph Olivia and her dance partner. The TV studio in college was the most ideal studio to use. Photography studios were too confined in space, and the dance studio had mirrors that would make positioning the camera tricky. The TV studio, however, wasn't overly spacious, and had a lighting rig that could be focused on the dance subjects. The blue screen also gave an ideal photographer's backdrop.

Carly's House / Street
The argument that ends our film was to occur at Olivia's house. Whilst my home was ideal for the short scene previously filmed, a more spacious location was required for the argument. We also filmed parts of the second montage, in which Olivia texts Matt, in Carly's room, which is much more suited to Olivia's character than any room in my home.

The Ardleigh & Dragon English Pub & Tai Restaurant
Matt's scenes in the second montage saw him in the company of his university friends on a celebratory night out. This pub just down the road from the college were very accommodating and allowed us to span 2 tables to film the required shots.

And It's A Wrap!

Billy Fyfe - Matt
Having each worked with Billy before, we knew that Billy is a competent actor who can portray a range of characters. Despite trouble previously getting in touch with him, we did get through in the end he agreed instantly to join the cast.

Kira Andrews - Olivia
Kira came highly recommended by Carly, having attended drama school together previously. Kira was available at short notice and, like Billy, extremely able when it came to portraying the character of Olivia.

Alice-Anne Bull - Emma
Alice has acted before in my previous short films. Emma was only a minor part and was originally set to be played by another recommendation of Carly's. Unfortunately, this actor had to cancel at short notice, and Alice stepped in to play the part so we could stay on schedule.

Carly Wilson - Alex
Carly has been to theatre school in the past, the result of which has seen her partake in stage shows and film work prior to joining our course. She was cast as Alex primarily for her acting ability, but also because it meant we could stick to schedule.

Daniel Lindsay - Olivia's Dance Partner
This was the smallest part in the film, but we knew we had to choose someone with clear dance talent. Kira suggested him and when asked, he accepted the role.

Costumes were left to the decisions of the actors, although some pointers were given.

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